Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You look so dumb right now.

Anime Blues Con!

It was fucking amazing. I worked my ass off, patrolling for security all day Friday. I clocked out to do the fashion show for Rose, but was on my feet otherwise. In heels of all things, on top of that.

But anyway. There was drama as well, as always. Kalissa and I roomed with Drew. Drew has been trying to get in her pants for ages, despite both of them dating someone. She had already expressed her disniterest to me and others in sleeping with him. Destiny also found out he'd been dating a girl named Amber at the same time as Erika. I'd suspected he was dating them both at once, and my suspicions were confirmed. Which sucks because Erika's a very sweet and amazing person. She's been cheated on in the past and actually thinks she's found a "good one." It saddens me. And irritates me.


That is all.

Anyhoodle. Apparently DJ was creeping. I didn't even notice till people pointed it out to me. Stared and me and followed apparently. And filmed me and Degan at the rave. Circled around several times doing so. Kind ridiculous. If he wants to talk to me (or her, for that matter). all he has to do is say hello or whatever. I gave him ample opporunity to see me at the con; I texted him and told him so. No response. Oh well.

The fashion show was amazing. So much Lolita dresses and steampunk clothing. As well as my rave clothing. An amazing assortment of styles was presented and I felt we did really well.

The cosplay-off. (also known as one of the most awkward moments ever)

The cosplay-off was fun. Free condoms were thrown and whatnot, of course, as the cosplayers stripped. Nate stripped. It was the most horrfyingly skinny thing I had ever seen. Then my creeper Brad Turrin decided to strip....all the way. His boxers ended up around his knees, and he claimed it was a "wardrobe malfunction." Fucking bullshit. I didn't go to see a pasty white boy who doesn't trim his pubic hairs strip down to his nuddy-parts (yes British slang ftw). I was very mad andmaintain he should have been kicked out of the convention for that. And not allowed to come next year. Just because only 18-year-olds were allowed in that event doesn't mean a thing. Parents were in there, and they may not want to let their younger children back to a con where white creepers strip down to nothing. I wouldn't if I were a parent.

And then Saturday went splendidly. Kalissa and I were going to take a break and go swimming with Trevino and his girlfriend - and then a girl named Samantha Morrisson went missing. A 14-year-old. Turns out there was a pic of her with my friend Cole, so I called him. Apparently her mom decided it was a good idea to drop her daughter off at a con at a hotel for hours WITHOUT A CELL PHONE. Fucking white people. Fuck my life and my ethnicity. *shakes head*

She turned out to be at Wendy's, thankfully. Then Kalissa and I went swimming with Trevino and Charity finally. Then we went to the rave....which sucked ASS. The music was awful. The room was far too big. Plus DJ creepin' around with his camera was rather off-putting, so I left early.

I ran into Carmin and Jenna, too. Which was awesome. Also totally raped Degan's boyfriend with a glowy blue glowstick that was phallic shaped. Yay for buttrape.


Stripper poles, alcoholic whipped cream, band members, lap dances, and a whip. Need I say more? John Vaughn (the most fucking awesome black guy EVAR) was whipped until he bled. And loved every minute of it. I was shirtless (of course) and Eric Vickrey tried to whip me. I wasn't in the mood that night. Maybe next time, Vickrey. xP

Degan's boyfriend Ty and I were the only sober ones who ended up in the room. Drew passed out immediately (he basically had to be carried back to the room anyway) and Kalissa folloed soon after. Creepy shit happened in the bed that night that I'm not going to go into. My subconsciousness actually incorprated it into a dream I had last night though. It was THAT BAD. Dx

Sunday I woke up half-dead from exhaustion. It was like 9:40 and I remembered we had to clear out of the room by 11. So I rushed and did so. My aunt and uncle came and picked up some of my stuff, then I passed out in the lobby for the remainder of the time that morning. I was awoken with a creepy feeling I was being watched. I was. Degan's stalker, for one, was on me like a hawk (no doubt hoping she'd show up sometime soon) and then of course I was having pictures of me taken while I slept. Not creepy or desperate at all.

And there was a group made for people who worked hard on the con this year. Someone actually said, "Why is Jess L.P. Knight in this group? She didn't work, she was just a regular con-goer." Not assholey at all. Nor the rudeness later when I was talking abut the whip (which Drew lost! :\) on the same chat. Keep up the good work of being a dick, people. It must be contagious at this point.

I also wrote a poem last night for the first time in like a year. I've decided to finish writing my "Damian Thy Vampire" story. Will I let DJ read it? Hell no. As soon as he mans up and talks to me, then he can read the story based on him. Nigga.

Anyhoodle. Three days after the con, and I am still exhausted. Just saying.

Annnnd I need to get out to Vaterott College sometime this week for Rikka's photoshoot. Alice in Wonderland photoshoot. Got to find a ride or convince my grandma to drive me out there.

For now, that's all, folks!

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