Saturday, June 25, 2011

Karma just bent you over and buttfucked you.

Apparenty DJ never considered me a friend. Thought I was stalking him. Being obsessive. Creeping him out. You keep telling yourself that, DJ, to justify treating me like shit.

Anyhoodle, apparently Jenkins "stole" Brittney from DJ. Good for Jenkins? I guess this explains why he randomly broke up with Kasey. Yay for Brittney because she’s no longer being used for her car and money now.

But basically, what goes around comes around. Good things happen to people who treat others nicely. It may not happen immediately, but it happens nonetheless. (Maybe him not being able to go to school is double karma? o.O)

Today, I am hanging out with Kalissa Ervin, a sexy beast of a friend. I am giving her clothes AND allowing her to raid my closet. Because she is adorable and sexy. :]

Tonight, I am going to Spectrum. How will I get there? No idea. But basically, it is happening. Drew is going to wear my sparkly green fairy wings. This is going to attract even more gay guys to him. It will be very amusing. :)

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